News alert / Social care reform

23 January 2024

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Reforming social care funding in England must be a priority for the next government, a Health Foundation report says. Currently, one in seven people aged 65 and over face care costs over £100,000. The report sets out cost estimates for three options to protect people against the costs of care:   

  • Providing basic protection for all against some care costs with a Scottish-style model of free personal care in England – could cost an extra £6bn in 2026/27, rising to £7bn by 2035/36 
  • Protecting people with the greatest lifetime care needs against catastrophic costs by introducing a Dilnot-style cap set at £86,000 – could cost an extra £0.5bn in 2026/27, rising to around £3.5bn by 2035/36 
  • Introducing an NHS-style model of universal and comprehensive care – could cost an extra £17bn by 2035/36. (See News.)
Social care