Hub network / ICS finance network

The structure of integrated care systems (ICSs) mandates a more collaborative way of working across the NHS, and finance staff are required to adapt to this change in working. The traditional commissioning role has changed, with integrated care boards (ICBs) tasked to support transparent system working with partners across health and care. The ICS finance network supports finance professionals working in this area to explore how they can continually help deliver a truly integrated health system.

Key areas of focus for the ICS finance network include: 

  • developing longer-term strategic planning
  • population health management approaches and addressing health inequalities
  • resource allocation and the aligned payment and incentive approach
  • system capital funding
  • establishing place-based working
  • supporting staff to develop new skills for collaborative working
  • delegation of primary care services and specialised commissioning. 

ICB Finance Group

The ICB Finance Group is a network of ICB chief finance officers who come together to share experience and expertise, and to use their combined numbers to influence thought and policy in the sector.

Featured events

Upcoming events in this group.