Event / Productivity, efficiency and value in healthcare 2024

09:30, 11 September 2024 1 day In-person 1 Bartholomew Close, London, EC1A 7BL

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About this event

This forum will cover a range of hot topics including productivity, efficiency, and waste reduction through keynotes and best practice case studies designed to stimulate debate and discussion. It aims to discuss how participants are approaching the challenge of increasing productivity and reducing waste.


HFMA Hub partner (NHS)£199
Non-HFMA Hub partner rate (NHS)    £399 


Sep 11

    Chair's opening comments

    Lee Outhwaite  / Chief finance officer NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board

    This keynote address will explore the critical factors that contribute to a sustainable healthcare system. It will highlight the importance of long-term investment and efficient resource allocation. As a health economist with extensive experience in government and public policy, Anita will shed light on improving productivity and measuring healthcare outcomes effectively.

    Anita Charlesworth  / director of research and economics, The Health Foundation


    Yin Shi   / Deputy Director of Efficiency and Productivity Insight , NHS England
    Alfie Fielder

    Synopsis TBC

    Clare Smith   / Chief operating officer and deputy chief executive , Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust

    Over the past fifty years, clinical care has witnessed remarkable progress due to technological advancements and paradigm shifts. However, significant challenges persist within the NHS and other healthcare systems worldwide. These challenges include unwarranted variation in spending, inequity, undermeasured outcomes, and resource waste. This session will outline a proposal to address these issues, by redefining healthcare management through themes such as value-based care, stewardship, local problem-solving, waste reduction, and integrated technology. By embracing these transformative approaches, it is hoped a higher-value health and care system can be developed that benefits both patients and providers.

    Muir Gray  / Founding Director, Oxford Centre for Triple Value Healthcare
    Lee Outhwaite  / Chief finance officer NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board

    Synopsis TBC

    Jane Johnston   / Health & Care Analytics Consultant, CEO , Transform Health & Care Consulting

    Chair's closing reflections

    Lee Outhwaite  / Chief finance officer NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board
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  • 50% refund between one month and up to two weeks before the first day of the event.
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