Webinar / Implementing the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD)

13:30, 29 September 2023 1 hour Online

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Sep 29

    HM Treasury is gradually implementing the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) recommendations in central government reports over the next three years, a decision which is supported by the Financial Reporting Advisory Board (FRAB). The recommendations set out how organisations should disclose their climate-related risks in annual reports and, while currently only mandatory for large central government entities, the DHSC are considering the adoption of guidance.

    In this webinar, Max Greenwood provides a brief introduction to the TCFD recommendations, including a summary of published work-to-date and an overview of the future publication timeline. He also highlights opportunities to contribute to ongoing developments. Steven Wareing provides a little more context on the specific application considerations within this part of the sector.

    Max Greenwood   / Senior finance advisor, government financial reporting , HM Treasury
    Steven Wareing   / Section Head – Accounting Policy and Guidance , Department of Health and Social Care
    Gary Mincher   / Finance Manager – Financial Reporting , Wye Valley NHS Trust
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