Event / ICB forum - One year in

09:40, 27 September 2023 In-person 110 Rochester Row, London, SW1P 1JP

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About this event

Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) have undeniably been brought into a tumultuous period, affording little opportunity for reflection. This forum took the opportunity to examine the first year of ICBs, delving into ways we can circumvent the 'tyranny of the immediate' and discussed measures we can adopt to safeguard the future of ICBs.

The forum was aimed at senior finance managers and above who work at, or have vested interest in, integrated care boards.

Session content

All the speaker slides we have permission to be shared can be viewed in the session content below.

Sep 27

    Chair’s opening remarks.

    Claire Wilson  / HFMA president 2023/24

    As we pass into the second year of ICBs and they begin to cement their role within their systems, we will take the opportunity to explore some of the actions leaders can take now to ensure the longevity of ICBs. The panellists will delve into key questions on leadership and ICB sustainability in the evolving NHS landscape, as well as how we can better collaborate with local authorities to strengthen integrated working across the breadth of systems.

    Nicola Walsh   / Assistant director, leadership & organisational development , The King’s Fund
    Lee Outhwaite  / Chief finance officer NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board

    In this session, we’ll hear from the North West London Community Provider Collaborative about their improvement journey, working in partnership with the Integrated Care Board, to improve the quality of community data so that system leaders can better plan, organise, invest in and manage services across North West London.

    Following a detailed programme of data improvement to ensure consistent clinical data and reporting, the collaborative and ICB are now working together to extract value from the data and using it to support decision making and operational delivery, including:
    - developing a collective approach to demand & capacity
    - establishing a combined waiting list position
    - agreeing a single set of key performance indicators
    - developing an approach to understand and articulate services productivity and efficiency.

    Howard Davis   / Director & head of healthcare data and analytics , Grant Thornton UK LLP
    Jenny Greenshields   / Director of finance and corporate services , Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust

    Prevention is a key focus for ICSs and has taken on new life since the release of the Hewitt Review. During this prevention panel we will look at opportunities in ICBs to support and lead prevention focused programmes, what best value looks like in this space, as well as asking if 1% is achievable.

    There were no slides used for this session.

    Professor Sanjay Agrawal  / Respiratory consultant University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
    Matt Fagg   / Director of prevention , NHS England
    Jason Strelit   / Director of public health , London Borough of Newham

    In this interactive session led by Adam Wright, we will explore the reflections-to-date from the NHS Providers' Digital ICS Programme. Adam will share insights gathered from interviews with ICS leaders and board sessions, touching upon questions such as what is the role of ICBs in the digital space and what leverage can they employ to advance the agenda and how leaders can develop momentum within their systems?

    There were no slides used for this session.

    Adam Wright   / Programme development manager , NHS Providers
Contact details
HFMA events
Supporting documents
ICB forum 1 year in.pdf