HFMA response / Response to NHS England's NHS oversight and assessment framework consultation

14 June 2024 Lisa Robertson
1 CPD hour

The consultation sets out a number of proposed changes to the current NHS oversight framework. These include:

  •  updating and systematising the approach to oversight and assessment of integrated care boards (ICBs) and provider delivery with the segmentation process considering four core elements
  • evolving the approach to ICB annual performance assessment to consider both ICB capability and delivery - once finalised, ratings will be published as part of each ICB’s annual assessment alongside a description of how the rating was reached and highlighting areas of good practice and areas where further improvement may be required.
  • systemising the approach to provider capability by introducing quarterly self-certifications linked to NHS England expectations regarding good governance and publishing provider capability ratings
  • working either with or through the relevant ICB for provider oversight, based on the level of risk (determined by provider segmentation) and ICB capability.

Overall, the HFMA agrees with the proposed changes. We welcome the aim of the approach to ensure a clear, shared understanding of accountabilities, assessment, segmentation and support. However, we believe there are a number of areas that would benefit from clarification or further detail.

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