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Case study / Delivering a value-based lymphoedema service for Wales

21 February 2022
1 CPD hour

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As we move to a more collaborative, integrated approach to designing and delivering health services, the question of how we allocate finite resources in a way to maximise outcomes becomes increasingly important.  The concept of ‘value’ in healthcare is seen as a key lever to support this. 

Whether deciding what investments will have the greatest impact on your population’s health, seeking to optimise a care pathway or wanting to obtain excellent outcomes for patients, focusing on value is essential.

Work undertaken by the Lymphoedema Network Wales (LNW) has identified the significant impact that untreated lymphoedema and cellulitis has on the lives of patients, as well as the costs to NHS services.

Through a range of pilot projects across the health boards in Wales, the LNW has been able to quantify the improvements in patient outcomes that a value-based approach can deliver.

This case study provides a summary of the projects that have been established in Wales and explains the benefits that have been achieved through a focus on the patient pathway and an understanding of the outcomes that matter to people who have these conditions.

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