Briefing / CCG accounts closedown 2013/14 survey

08 October 2014
1 CPD hour

2013/14 was the first year of clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) and, therefore, the first annual report and accounts for CCGs were prepared in spring 2014. NHS England also prepared their first consolidated annual report and accounts in that period.

This briefing summaries the results of the HFMA's survey on the CCG accounts closedown process. It is being shared with NHS England, the Department of Health, the Audit Commission and the National Audit Office to form part of their review process. The HFMA’s Accounting and Standards Committee will use the results of the survey to inform its work programme in 2014/15 as well as to develop the CCG sessions at the pre accounts planning conferences planned for January 2015.

The survey focussed on the CCGs’ and CSUs’ experience of preparing the CCG annual report and accounts and providing NHS England with the information they required to consolidate the CCG accounts with their own.

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