Speaker / Mark Wilcock

Microsoft data platform MVP

My company provides training courses in 
* Power BI at all levels from beginner to advanced (data modelling and DAX) 
* Excel at all levels from beginner to advanced (best practices and building financial models in Excel)
* Python (beginner, advanced, for data science, for AI) 
* SQL (beginner to advanced)
* effective data visualisation
* an introduction to generative AI. 
Details at https://zomalex.co.uk

In 2023, we trained more than 2,000 people from over 20 different organisations. 

I organise London Business Analytics group (LBAG), a popular data & analytics community group. LBAG has over 11,000 members and has run about 150 events over the last nine years with a typical audience of about 100 people at each event. It runs in-person meetups in central London about once a month and occasionally an online event. All events are free and everybody is welcome.

I am a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP).