Coach / Janet Thornley

HFMA coach

Janet is interested in people and enjoys a good conversation. She has found coaching useful in the past both for her professional and personal life and so wanted to try and pay it forwards to others. 

Janet can offer an opportunity that will hopefully give you space to understand yourself and share your thoughts and aspirations. You will be provided with the opportunity to explore your drivers and what motivates you at work and in your home life, so you can reflect, plan and move forwards towards your goals and bring greater joy to your life.  

Janet will work with you developing a relationship of trust where you will feel supported and sometimes a little challenged, but never judged. She has been a nurse for over 42 years, so working with people is very much at the heart of everything that Janet does. She understands how challenging life can be for us all and therefore commits to being a supportive listener.

When Janet is not at work, she can be found pottering in the garden and green house, or maybe relaxing by the sea in her campervan with her dog Noah. Recently, Janet became a grandma to Sybil Rose and her world has indeed become rosier!