Speaker / Gill Turnpenny

Director of People, Culture & Support Services at St Ann’s Hospice

Gill is Director of People, Culture & Support Services at St Ann’s Hospice responsible for the people and estates strategies across the hospice. Gill joined St Ann’s in 2013 having previously held HR roles in education, private healthcare and the media. She has also worked as an independent consultant leading TUPE transfers, organisation re-design and culture change projects for charities and education establishments. Gill has been integral to shaping leadership development at St Ann’s ensuring leaders are inspired and inspiring. She has co-designed a development programme for clinical leaders which is being delivered as a Masters degree in partnership with the University of Salford. Gill is currently leading an ambitious £18m new build project. The new hospice will
be a world-class environment that is welcoming, caring and fully equipped with modern facilities. It will give space to expand the hospice’s work, becoming a centre of training excellence and a hub of innovation.

St Ann’s Hospice is one of the largest and oldest hospices in the UK with over 300 employees and 400 volunteers and is recognised as Investors in People Gold. Gill takes inspiration from Moya Cole, one of the founders of St Ann’s Hospice. She was a trailblazer for women in the sector and campaigner for the right for everyone to have a good death – something the hospice team is passionate about.

Gill is also a non-executive director at a Multi-Academy Trust.