Speaker / Edd Berry

NHS Nightingale Hospital North West

Edd has worked for the NHS for over 20 years. He was recently drafted to lead the Finance department of the NHS Nightingale Hospital North West. In the UK, Nightingale hospitals are the epitome of agile, fully functioning brand new hospitals that sprang into life as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Edd is the perfect person to drive complex programs at scale at the drop of a hat. Innovative thinking is Edd's specialty, and he has a long history of business improvement, performance optimisation and a solid agile delivery record.

It was Edd that oversaw Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust's adoption of Automation Anywhere, identifying the process that offered great tangible ROI with many more intangible benefits for the UK's second largest hospital network. 

Delivering a swift return-on-investment and establishing the confidence in Intelligent Automation, creating a solid foundation from which he is now building-on to make continued improvements for the foreseeable future.