Event / Workplace wellbeing in the NHS

10:30, 7 October 2021 1 day

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About this event

The NHS as a place of work will be forever changed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Whilst some normality may return operationally, the effects on its staff (both challenging and motivating) will last. This event looked at the resilience of staff, the importance being placed on wellbeing and the unique position of the finance function to support workforce improvements in organisations and ICSs.


Shining a light on the importance of staff wellbeing
Danny Mortimer, Chief Executive, NHS Employers

Promoting health and wellbeing in the NHS:
1. Health and wellbeing champion
Lyn Tallentire, Deputy Director Finance, NHS Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit

2. Fitness at work
Julie Davis, Royal Wolverhampton NHS Foundation Trust

3. Supporting staff to work from home
Sarah Mason, Health and Wellbeing Lead, Organisational Development, People & OD, Sam Garrett, Health and Wellbeing Lead, Organisational Development, People & OD, Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in the NHS
Laura Mills, Director of Operational Finance and Carol Cooper, Senior Finance Manager - Specialised Commissioning, NHS England & Improvement (Midlands)

Health and Wellbeing during COVID, a chance to reflect
Mark Songhurst, and HR colleague, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

A view from the centre
Steve Lee, People Directorate, NHS England and Improvement


  • Lei Wei
  • Danny Mortimer
  • Lyn Tallentire
  • Carol Cooper
  • Laura Mills
  • Mark Songhurst
  • Steve Lee
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