Event / South Central Branch: SPC charts introduction - OUH - Lunch and Learn

12:00, 14 March 2023

Registration for this event is closed. If you have a registration/booking for this event, please login to access the resources on the event page below.

This one-hour lunch and learn event presented by Yael Hunt, Finance Manager at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, will provide you with a greater understanding of SPC charts generally and SPC charts within finance data at OUH. It will also outline the key challenges and considerations with adopting these into reports and includes the use of the NHSE support team on SPC charts.
  • What is an SPC chart?
  • Use of SPC charts in finance data
  • Benefits
  • Challenges and considerations
  • Useful links and resources

Free to members of HFMA. To book, please email [email protected].