Event / NHS pension – update from NHS Business Services Authority

14:30, 1 October 2021

Registration for this event is closed. If you have a registration/booking for this event, please login to access the resources on the event page below.

About this webinar

This webinar provides an update on recent developments to the NHS pension scheme that will affect both members of the scheme and the NHS bodies that they work for. 

The session covers: 

  • A business update on the management of the NHS pension scheme
  • McCloud update
  • An update on annual allowance 
  • Covid-19 updates  
Please see some of the details and emails addressed in the webinar:

Member email address  - [email protected]

Member Helpline - 0300 330 1346

Employer email address – [email protected]

Employer Helpline - 0300 3301 353

Stakeholder Engagement Team – for training or escalations – [email protected]

Watch today

This webinar is free to watch on-demand for all. Just click the "Watch" button that will take you to the webinar page. You will need to create a free BrightTALK login on the following website to access the content.

If you have any issues accessing the content or any other queries, please email [email protected]. We are working to make our content more accessible, in the meantime we are able to provide details on live captioning for our webinars. Contact us at [email protected] for information.

Please click the link below for the video from the webinar.

If you have any issues accessing the content then please ensure that you are logged into the HFMA website with either your member or affiliate login before clicking the link to the videos. To log-in please click here.

If you do not have a membership login with the HFMA, please click here where you can create a free affiliate login. When you are logged into the website with your new account, you will be able to access the video below.

Please click here for a link to the webinar video.

Please click the link below for the presentation slides from the webinar.

If you have any issues accessing the content then please ensure that you are logged into the HFMA website with either your member or affiliate login before clicking the link to the presentation. To log-in please click here.

If you do not have a membership login with the HFMA, please click here where you can create a free affiliate login. When you are logged into the website with your new account, you will be able to access the link below.

Please click here to download the slides from the webinar.

Please click here to download a pdf document of the pre-webinar questions and answers.

CPD accredited webinar
This webinar has CPD accredited status with The CPD Standards Office. Delegates that attend will receive an accredited CPD Certificate of Attendance. 



  • Bernadette Portasman