Event / Integrated care summit 2021

09:00, 24 February 2021 110 Rochester Row, London, SW1P 1JP

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About this event

This one-day event offered a unique place for colleagues working within secondary healthcare, primary care, local government and other Integrated Care System organisations to come together to discuss common priorities, challenges and successes within their field.

This event was free for HFMA Hub Partner organisations, however local authority and primary care colleagues could also apply for a place. Delegates had the opportunity to hear national policy updates and explore case studies highlighting where integrated working is succeeding and delivering improved outcomes.

An update on national progress towards integrated care
Dr Karen Kirkham MBBS DRCOG, National Clinical Advisor - System Development and Population Health Management, NHS England & Improvement, Integrated Care System Clinical Lead and Assistant Clinical Chair, Dorset CCG

System working now and into the future
Kathy Roe, Director of Finance, Tameside MBC & NHS Tameside and Glossop CCG

Navigating Integrated Health and Care
Rob Walsh, Chief Executive, North East Lincolnshire Council & CCG

Integrated Care – driving NHS transformation
Malcolm Lowe-Lauri, Head of Healthcare & Lifesciences & Tamsyn Flynn, Associate Director in Social Care, Grant Thornton UK LLP

Addressing the key determinants of health
Dr Shashi Khandavalli, GP and Clinical Director, Chorley Central Primary Care Network

Closing address - there were no slides used for this session
Hashi Mohamed, Barrister, Broadcaster, Commentator and Thought Leader


  • Kathy Roe
  • Dr Karen Kirkham
  • Rob Walsh
  • Malcolm Lowe-Lauri
  • Tamsyn Flynn
  • Dr Shashidhar Khandavalli
  • Hashi Mohamed