Webinar / Improving value in mental health – an update from the Mental Health GIRFT team

12:30, 3 July 2020 1 hour Online

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Jul 03

    The concept of ‘value’ in healthcare – maximising the outcomes which matter to people at the lowest possible cost – is increasingly seen as a key lever for supporting the delivery of high-quality sustainable care. The challenge is how to do this in practice. What is clear is that clinicians and finance staff need to work more closely together to ensure resources are used in the most effective way possible to provide high-quality care.

    In this webinar Dr Ian Davidson, GIRFT’s clinical lead for adult crisis and acute mental health, gives an update on the GIRFT workstream, sharing what they have found out so far on the deep dive visits to mental health trusts, and suggesting what mental health trusts should start focusing on to deliver value.

    This webinar forms part of the Mental Health Value Challenge, being delivered by HFMA’s Healthcare Costing for Value Institute. The Mental Health Value Challenge is exploring how the available data sets can help answer the question ‘How well are we spending the mental health pound?'

    Ian Davidson   / National clinical lead GIRFT , Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
    Lisa Robertson  / Senior policy manager, HFMA
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