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Webinar / Improvement and value – a look at the work of NHS Impact

15:45, 17 July 2024 1 hour Online

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Jul 17

    The term quality improvement (QI) is increasingly used across healthcare providers and is generally accepted to be aligned with efforts to achieve better outcomes for healthcare delivery. QI is not always associated with direct cost reduction but increasingly organisations are recognising the link between outcomes and cost and this approach leads naturally to conversations about value. In this session Dr Shah will introduce the work of NHS Impact which has been launched to support all NHS organisations, systems and providers at every level, to have the skills and techniques to deliver continuous improvement.

    The NHS Impact programme supports the delivery of clinical and operational excellence, helping to develop the leadership and organisational capacity, capability and infrastructure to create the conditions for improvement. It also delivers a small number of centrally led national programmes to drive adoption and local adaptation of operational processes and clinical pathways that are proven to improve quality and productivity. The focus for 2024/25 will be interventions that improve patient flow.

    Following Dr Shah’s presentation there will be a Q&A session and the opportunity to discuss how the principles of improvement can be applied in your own organisations and systems and the impact this could have on outcomes, productivity and costs.

    Dr Amar Shah   / National clinical director for improvement, NHS England , Chief quality officer, East London NHS Foundation Trust
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