Event / HFMA London Branch 'Lunch and Learn' session - Developing an Integrated Care System

12:00, 14 January 2021

Registration for this event is closed. If you have a registration/booking for this event, please login to access the resources on the event page below.

“This session will discuss the evolving Integrated Care System landscape, what this means for organisations across London and addressing some of the challenging issues such as:


  • How will we balance organisational and system level accountability?
  • How should we work differently together compared to the past?
  • How is money likely to flow in the future and what does this mean for organisations?
  • How will the finance function in London need to adapt to the new “system by default” approach?


The event will leave plenty of time for questions and answers so please do think about what you would like to be answered in this part of the session.”