Event / Future matters - understanding artificial intelligence in healthcare finance

09:30, 7 November 2023 1 day In-person 110 Rochester Row

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About this event

This one-day event brought together professionals from the finance and technology sectors to explore the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence within NHS Finance. It covered the foundational concepts of AI, its potential applications in healthcare finance and the ethical considerations surrounding its use. Delegates gained valuable insights into how AI has been effectively leveraged by both commercial and public sectors, with a particular focus on successful case studies from NHS organisations. 

Session content

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Nov 07

    In this session, we will gain a comprehensive understanding of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. Colin will introduce foundational concepts and historical development of AI, including machine learning and natural language processing (NLP), as well as understanding
    some of the challenges facing use and development of intelligent systems. In addition, the session will also touch upon the power of robotic process automation (RPA) in automating repetitive tasks and business processes and how this can be further enhanced by AI.

    Colin Paterson   / Lecturer, department of computer science , University of York

    Artificial intelligence has captured the public imagination in the last six months with the meteoric rise of generative AI like ChatGPT. The corporate imagination has however been at this for years with most industries applying AI to their work processes to drive efficiency. Most of these industries are further ahead than healthcare and there is a real opportunity to learn the lessons about how to safely and effectively target this technology to get the most benefit. Healthcare is too important to be left behind in this era we are entering which looks to be ‘AI first’.

    Daniel Bailey   / Vice president, distinguished engineer & senior partner , IBM

    This workshop will look at the practical opportunities to improve financial and operational efficiencies. We will describe examples to provide quick impacts combining process mining, human centred design and Foundational AI.

    Lucy Marsden   / Innovation & design director - senior managing consultant , IBM
    Kerman Jasavala   / Associate partner , IBM
    Tom Newman   / Data services - senior managing consultant , IBM
    Lisa Goldstone   / Partner – healthcare and life sciences , IBM

    James and Matt will discuss the future of innovation and how NHS Finance teams use AI-powered automation to meet the efficiency challenge. James will share insights on how NHS SBS is delivering inspiring and ambitious automation programmes internally as well as for their customers. Learn how AI-powered automation enables finance-driven innovation that reduces costs, processing times, and risk to increase both accuracy and your team’s productivity.

    James Parker   / Automation and innovation manager , NHS Shared Business Services
    Matt Hogarth   / Account director, healthcare , UiPath

    AI implementation has numerous potential challenges and risks associated with it, including privacy, data security and bias concerns. This session will explore the need for responsible AI practices and the discuss establishing regulations and standards to safeguard patient data. Through thought-provoking conversations, we will address the ethical complexities and potential solutions to foster a responsible and inclusive adoption of AI in healthcare finance.

    Tristi Tanaka   / Head of the chief medical portfolio , NHS Black Country ICB

    This session will consider how the finance function could use machine learning and AI technologies to detect and prevent fraud more effectively and efficiently. The session will describe the challenges currently facing the NHS from a fraud and economic crime perspective and describe how innovative technologies will support NHS finance professionals to better protect public funds. NHSCFA will describe their ambition to develop machine learning and AI technology to counter the estimated £1.2bn lost to fraud each year within the NHS.

    Matthew Jordan-Boyd   / Director of finance and corporate resources , NHS Counter Fraud Authority
    David Dixon   / Data & analytical lead , NHS Counter Fraud Authority
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