Event / Estates and facilities forum

10:00, 2 November 2021 1 day

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About this event

Estates and facilities played a crucial role in the national response to COVID-19 and as the NHS plans the path towards recovery, the profession will be central to this as well.

This CPD accredited event outlined the key priorities for estates and facilities and where directors of finance and their teams will need to work closely with Estates and Facilities teams to deliver these. Areas of focus included:

  • how capital can be financed while considering strategic estates planning at a system level
  • demonstrating value for money and ensuring estates are managed to maximise benefits to patients
  • climate change and the response of the NHS including the expectations around the net zero carbon agenda
  • developments around procurement, including the P23 Framework
  • PFI handovers and general project assurance 


An update from the Centre
Simon Corben, National Director of Estates and Head of Profession, NHS England and NHS Improvement

Net Zero Carbon and what this means for me
Fiona Daly, National Sustainability and Workforce Lead, NHS England and NHS Improvement

Improving capital delivery, including P23
Jo Dolby, National Capital and Commercial Lead, NHS England and NHS Improvement

Capital & Cash
Chris Jackson, Director of Capital, NHS England and NHS Improvement

Workshop 1 – Estates Resilience
Adrian Eggleton, National Estates Operational - NHS Estates and Facilities and Andy Summerbell, EPRR Lead, NHS Estates and Facilities

Workshop 2 –  Why new hospitals are different and how Trusts can position themselves
Matt Custance, Partner - Grant Thornton LLP and Rhiannon Williams, Director, Grant Thornton LLP

Workshop 3 – Case Study: University College London Hospitals plan to reach NET Zero by 2031
Luke O’Shea, Director of Innovation, University College London Hospital

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Climate change