Event / Delivering system savings through NHS community services

14:30, 18 June 2021

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About this webinar

This webinar provides two examples of how service innovations in Lincolnshire community services have reduced costs to the wider system.

The RAGBY tool is used by specialist teams to record activity and capture outcomes. It enables assessment of the impact of the service and gives an indication of hospital and GP activity avoided, generating system savings.

The HomeHealth team support residents across 13 care homes for one primary care network. In 2020/21 the small team saved over £244k by delivering care that avoided over 4,000 GP contacts. Putting advanced care plans in place has also improved outcomes for residents.

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Please click the link below for the video from the webinar.

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Please click the link below for the presentation slides from the webinar.

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Please click here to download the slides from the webinar.

CPD accredited webinar
This webinar has CPD accredited status with The CPD Standards Office. Delegates that attend will receive an accredited CPD Certificate of Attendance. 



  • Jane Scrafton
  • Karen Cox