Event / Commercial Acumen for NHS professionals

10:30, 22 September 2022

Registration for this event is closed. If you have a registration/booking for this event, please login to access the resources on the event page below.

The course enables NHS professionals to explore how they can apply commercial negotiation techniques to develop better relationships and drive performance. Participants will explore practical tools and techniques to initiate commercial discussions and speed up decision-making. There will be some opportunity to explore how the techniques can be applied in a remote working setting as well as face to face.

  • Preparing for different scenarios to gain a win-win
  • Remote or face to face considerations
  • Using questions to find out what the other party values
  • Communication techniques to build rapport and trust quicker
  • Language and behaviours to create a positive experience
  • Techniques to influence the right outcome
  • Creating opportunities and choices
  • Techniques to deal with misunderstandings and escalations