Webinar / Brexit – the impact on health in the UK

13:30, 12 February 2021 1 hour Online

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About this webinar

The trade deal agreed between the UK and the EU at the 11th hour ended some uncertainty around future trading arrangements and avoided the imposition of new tariffs. But it still means increased red tape for companies moving products in and out of the country. And the deal also leaves the NHS facing specific challenges and uncertainties. 

Key among these is the supply and costs of medicines, arguably brought into immediate sharp focus by the importance of maintaining consistent supplies of Covid-19 vaccine over the coming months. And, with significant shortages of NHS and social care staff even before the pandemic, the end of free movement of labour seems unlikely to help address staffing pressures. 

In this webinar, Mark Dayan, Brexit programme lead at the Nuffield Trust, explores the possible short and medium term impacts of Brexit on health in the UK.

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