News / World class focus shifts to QIPP

03 March 2010

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PCTs face a longer discussion of their strategic and financial plans at world class commissioning (WCC) panel days.

This marks a shift in the assurance focus to primary care trusts’ ability to deliver the quality, innovation, productivity and prevention (QIPP) agenda and the strength of their financial plans.

In year one of WCC, much of the morning (more than two hours) was set aside for two parallel interview sessions. The panel questioned PCT board members about the three elements of commissioning assurance – outcomes, competencies and governance. The assurance handbook for year two, issued last September, proposed no change to this schedule.

However, the Department of Health’s acting director of commissioning, Claire Aldiss, said year two would now include a two-hour session, where panellists interview sub-groups of PCT board members about their strategy to improve productivity and quality.

Strategic health authorities can choose to vary the timings according to local circumstances.

Areas up for discussion would include the underlying sustainability and credibility of the PCT’s financial position and the robustness of initiatives in the context of the PCT’s historic performance. PCTs must show their plans are consistent with the SHA’s approach to QIPP.

‘PCTs will be expected to describe clearly how they are going to implement their plan, and that they have an understanding of their capacity and capability to do so.

PCTs will need to demonstrate their plans for delivery are robust in the light of a 30% reduction in management costs,’ she added.

Competencies would continue to be assessed, and the emphasis will be on whether they are applied in day-to-day commissioning.