News / Trust chief in HFMA e-learning first

08 October 2007

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Kim Hodgson, the Chief Executive of East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust has become the first person to receive the HFMA’s Introductory Certificate in Healthcare Finance, completing the requisite five modules from a growing library of e-learning titles.

Ms Hodgson, who has since gone on to take a sixth module, is leading by example. ‘As a nurse myself I can see the value of undertaking the HFMA introductory finance module,’ she said. ‘It will help nurses improve their knowledge to enable them to carry out the financial responsibilities associated with their role.’

Two other members of the trust have subsequently completed the certificate, and several more are about to do so.

Since its launch in early July this year, over 100 users have started the HFMA certificate. There are already several modules available, with others due for imminent launch. Subjects include introductions to NHS finance, budgeting, governance, payment by results and foundation trust finance.

Further details from HFMA e-Learning co-ordinator Guy Mitson on [email protected]  or visit