Comment / Time to embrace change

09 April 2020 Caroline Clarke

As you read this, it will be the beginning of the Easter weekend, and in the middle of Passover. Both are times where we used to take a break, spend time with loved ones and families, and start to feel refreshed and renewed.

This year is different, and the Covid-19 virus shows no respect for tradition or religion. Our hospitals and health systems will be running as any other day and many of you will be working over the weekend in non-finance roles.

Some of you will be involved in closing out 2019/20, and starting a new year with some different rules and strange looking budgets. Some of you will be finding new ways of working, which, with small adaptations, could be the new normal. Now is definitely the time to embrace change and think about a better future.

If Easter is traditionally a time when we regenerate, you may want to have a look at the new free Bitesize offering. The HFMA has made 18 online courses freely available via the Electronic Staff Record with more to follow soon. Explore NHS charities, how finance works or courses on governance and risk management. Or brush up on management skills. So far, hundreds of our courses have been accessed and they look really good.  So, when you get bored with the interminable egg hunts, get online and have a look.

The final thing I’d like to do is to remind you to stay safe.  Physical distancing is hard. But it is so important that we observe this to keep each other and ourselves safe.  The trick, as ever, is to maintain physical distance, social connection and personal protection.

Take care and happy Easter.