Feature / Technical round-up

12 June 2012

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  • The Department of Health has issued guidance to primary care trusts on adjusting the 2010/11 quality and outcomes framework (QOF) achievement payments. It was issued after an error was identified that meant GP contractors could have been underpaid for achievements since 2004/05. A letter said PCTs must make good any underpayments but could choose whether or not to reclaim an overpayment.
  • The Scottish government has revised the payment verification protocol for primary medical services. A circular said the revisions include changes to the quality and outcomes framework (QOF) section, including an amended points table.
  • The Department of Health has introduced an interim system of funding prosthetics services for military veterans. The government has pledged to spend up to £15m over three years to improve the services. Veterans, with the aid of their disability support centre, could apply for additional funding following a needs assessment.
  • The NHS Commissioning Board (NCB) and the Department of Health are to ask primary care trusts for their 2011/12 spending details. The exercise will focus on future clinical commissioning group and NCB responsibilities and aid planning for 2013/14. PCTs will be asked to involve emerging CCG finance leads in discussions about these returns.
  • Northern Ireland’s Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety has requested information on post-balance sheet events in order to complete the 2011/12 health and social care pension scheme resource accounts. IAS 10 calls for the disclosure of material events that arise between 31 March 2012 and the date on which the financial statement is approved by an organisation’s board of directors.
  • The NHS Information Centre has issued the 2012/13 release 11 (R11) payment by results extract specification and guidance. R11 supports the extension of best practice tariff policy by extending the number of service areas, in particular support for day cases.
  • An agreement has not been reached on a revised form of indemnity for 2012 to cover acute services provided by the independent sector, the NHS Litigation Authority said. An update on the clinical negligence scheme for trusts (CNST) cover for independent providers said previously arranged temporary CNST cover would stay in place.
  • The Department of Health has issued guidance on the two new national CQUIN (commissioning for quality and innovation) goals for 2012/13. One urges the identification of dementia patients (with prompt follow-up and referral); the national safety thermometer incentivises the measurement of harm from pressure ulcers, falls and urinary tract infections in patients with catheters and VTE.
  • The Department of Health has revised its leaflet on personal health budgets. It explains personal health budgets in the context of the pilot programme and how this can be used by commissioners, healthcare professionals and support organisations. By April 2014 everyone receiving NHS continuing healthcare will have a right to ask for a personal health budget, including a direct payment for healthcare.
  • Primary care trust public health staff transferring to local authorities under the reforms will retain their rights to an NHS pension, the Department of Health said. The government, unions and NHS and local authority employers are examining how best to provide pensions for new starters and those who move between posts after 1 April 2013.