Feature / Technical round-up

04 February 2014

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Redundancy disclosures – total rewards – CCG reporting guidance

  • NHS bodies have been reminded about the disclosure requirements in their annual accounts for staff who leave under voluntary or compulsory redundancy packages. The Department of Health said the cost recorded in the exit packages note and remuneration report should include any top-up compensation given by the employer to buy out the actuarial reduction of an individual’s pension. Greater detail on voluntary redundancy disclosures will be required for 2013/14 and further guidance will be issued soon.
  • Total reward statements (TRS) will be introduced for NHS staff in the second half of 2014, according to NHS Employers. TRS were developed by the NHS Business Services Authority and give staff a clear picture of the value of their employment package. TRS will show basic pay, allowances and pension benefits for NHS Pension Scheme members. NHS organisations can customise the TRS to include local benefits, such as childcare vouchers and cycle to work schemes.
  • NHS England has published its Draft clinical commissioning group annual reporting guidance: 2013/14. While the guidance does not supersede the NHS finance manual, it brings together the manual’s accounting requirements and CCG annual reporting requirements into a single document.
  • New European Union procurement rules will allow NHS bodies to have more flexible, faster and more effective procurement, according to the NHS Confederation. Rules around the purchase of health service contracts have been amended – a light-touch regime will operate above a €750,000 threshold. Contracts below this value will be exempt from the EU directive. It is likely the new rules will be implemented in the UK this year.
  • The National Casemix Office (NCO) is conducting a survey of NHS staff and other stakeholders on the functionality and use of the Casemix Grouper Software suite. The NCO said the survey would help it understand how users interact with the groupers and to get feedback on possible future developments.
  • NHS England has made changes to its draft document on the scope of the commissioning support lead provider framework, which commissioners can use to buy support services. The changes include additions to the financial management and budgeting service line. NHS England said the framework will be optional and will be launched alongside information outlining other choices available to clinical commissioning groups. CCGs will be able to buy some or all of their support from one or more suppliers on the framework.
  • Northern Ireland’s Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety has reminded health and social care bodies they must prepare an economic appraisal when reviewing the use of leased accommodation. The appraisal is an essential part of good financial and property management, said a circular, and should be completed before a lease expires.