Feature / Technical round-up

03 April 2013

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  • The tariff paid under the NHS Injury Costs Recovery scheme will rise by 2% from 1 April. The Department of Health said the uplift reflects the latest figure for hospital and community health services inflation. The scheme recovers NHS charges from compensators (mostly insurance companies) where the NHS has provided treatment to people who have suffered personal injuries or been in a road traffic accident.
  • Monitor has issued guidance on completing and submitting the FTC (foundation trust consolidation) file for month 12 of 2012/13. It has also provided links to guidance on annual report disclosure requirements, the Department of Health’s updated transition FAQs and agreement of balances guidance.
  • An FAQ on the new reporting requirement in 2012/13 annual reports has been issued by the Department of Health. The requirement relates to off-payroll workers. Disclosure is compulsory, but the Department confirmed that the data is not auditable.
  • The Department of Health has published details of how stakeholders will be able to object to the methodology for calculating the national tariff. A document setting out responses to its consultation on objections – and the Department’s response – said only relevant providers would be able to object. These would be defined as those currently providing services for which a national price is currently in operation or has been specified for the first time. It will not include those that wish to offer the services in the future.
  • The amount of expenses dental practices can claim under dental contracts will be increased by 1.5% in 2013/14, the Department of Health said. Dentists and practice staff pay will rise by 1%. Dentists will be required to work closely with NHS England (formerly NHS Commissioning Board) to prepare to move to a national contract, based on capitation and quality.
  • The Department of Health has issued guidance for unsecured creditors on their rights if an NHS trust or foundation trust with which they are trading is placed in special administration. The guidance includes an overview of the administration process and how liabilities will be treated. However, the Department cautioned it was not an exhaustive statement of the relevant law.
  • The NHS foundation trust annual reporting manual for 2012/13 is now available from Monitor. The regulator said changes in the manual mostly relate to disclosures required by the Health and Social Care Act 2012 (bold in the document) and updates to the content of the quality report. Monitor did not consult on chapter seven of the manual as there were limited changes and those that have been made were based on changes in legislation.
  • Monitor and NHS England have published a note outlining how a new website will help commissioners and providers understand where competition may deliver improved outcomes for patients. It said the site would bring together practical tools and an evidence base to support decision-making.