Feature / Technical round-up

04 December 2012

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  • The Department of Health has released further details of the payment by results HIV outpatient currencies. The current financial year is a shadow year for the currencies and the Department has published presentations from the seminars held during October for those involved in providing HIV services.
  • The transfer of contracts to new commissioners must not lead to financial gains or losses for either party, the Department of Health said in guidance on the ‘shift’ phase of the transfer of clinical contracts to the new commissioners. This is the last of three phases following the completion of the ‘stocktake’ and ‘stabilisation’ phases earlier this year.
  • The NHS Business Services Authority (BSA) can now produce and distribute total reward statements to NHS employees who have an electronic staff record. The annual statements provide individuals with details of their current remuneration package – pay and benefits, including pension entitlement that has been built up. The BSA intends to pilot the statements before national roll out next year.
  • The foundation trust 2012/13 timetable for accounts will be similar to 2011/12, Monitor has announced. A letter setting out the timetable said the regulator was reacting to feedback calling for a clear accounts timetable in advance. It acknowledged there were too many late changes to timetables during 2011/12.
  • Clinical commissioning groups and the NHS Commissioning Board (NCB) will have the same VAT status as primary care trusts and strategic health authorities, the NCB has said. The latest bulletin for emerging CCGs said transactions between the bodies and other NHS organisations need not include or consider VAT.
  • The NHS eClass Review Group has invited suggestions for amendments to existing eClass codes or for new codes that could be added. NHS eClass is a classification system for products and services, which is owned by the health service. Submissions should be made by 31 December. The review of the 2012 version of NHS eClass will be completed in January, with the new version to take effect from 1 April 2013.
  • The Department of Health has updated its Simple guide to payment by results. The revised document, which replaces the version issued in August 2011, aims to provide an introduction to PBR for NHS health professionals, managers, administrators and other interested parties.
  • Northern Ireland health and social care bodies must lay their 2012/13 annual report and accounts as one document, the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety said. A circular from the Department said up to now most bodies laid only their annual accounts in the Northern Ireland Assembly.
  • Monitor has launched a short consultation on proposed amendments to the NHS foundation trust annual reporting manual for 2012/13. The regulator said the proposed changes were relatively minor or driven by changes in the Treasury Financial reporting manual, so consultation closes at 5pm on 14 December.