Feature / Technical round-up

05 September 2011

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A round-up of the latest guidance and advice to NHS organisations

Foundation trusts have been given notice of the arrangements for the collection of public dividend capital (PDC) dividends on 15 September. The advice includes information on payment by direct debit, repayment by book transfer and advice for foundation trusts that have been recently authorised. ?

Senior NHS staff have been invited to apply to join one of three NHS Litigation Authority risk management groups. The groups, which focus on the acute and mental health and learning disability sectors, as well as solicitors’ risk management reports, provide advice and guidance on the strategic direction of the authority’s risk management programme. ?

Health and social care bodies in Northern Ireland have been notified of forecast indices to be used in 2011/12 for planning assumptions. The Department will issue a further circular early in 2012 with final indices to be used for the 2011/12 accounts. ?

The Scottish government health and social care directorate has published guidance on a range of payments and grants in general ophthalmic services. The guidance announces an increase in the continuing education and training allowance paid to optometrists and ophthalmic medical practitioners for training taken during the calendar year 2010. ?

Guidance for NHS trusts on the charging regulations for overseas visitors has been updated by the Department of Health. The guidance, which is effective from 1 August, reflects new regulations following the review of access to the NHS by foreign nationals. ?

The online NHS finance manual now includes the latest advice on the transfer of charitable funds between NHS bodies. The guidance covers the acceptance, management and transfer of charitable funds. It said there is no legislative provision for the transfer of funds to a non-NHS body, though in some limited circumstances the Department of Health may sanction the movement of funds through a grant made by NHS trustees. ?

Northern Ireland’s Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety has issued instructions to how health and social care trusts on how they should charge for UK cross-border emergency treatment. The circular also includes guidance on prices charged by English providers and informs trusts of an update to the FAQ section of the payment by results guidance for England. The update follows discussions between the four UK health departments and aims to cover common queries, including those on flex and freeze dates and minimum data sets. ?

Primary care trusts and strategic health authorities have been given additional guidance on running costs. The Department of Health said it supplemented earlier guidance on running costs and definitions, and related to PCT/SHA running costs savings against plan table in the original document.?

The Department of Health has published quarter one FIMS guidance on its finance manual website. The guidance applies to primary care trusts, NHS trusts and strategic health authorities.