Technical / Technical review October 2017

03 October 2017

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The Department of Health has launched a consultation on regulation changes to support the introduction of accountable care organisations (ACOs). The need for change has been highlighted by the development of a version of the NHS standard contract to cover ACOs. In some cases, these changes would create additional flexibilities – for example, enabling GPs to enter into ACO arrangements without terminating their existing contracts. However, most of the changes are minor. The consultation closes on 2 November.

The HFMA has updated a briefing on the reform of intermediaries legislation to reflect recent guidance and experience. The briefing explains the background to the revised off-payroll rules covering the public sector and identifies and summarises all the available guidance.Briefing cover

The Department has issued the timetable for the Q2 agreement of balances exercise, setting out four deadlines. It has asked parties to note that agreement between counterparties and submission to the Department are not mandated for month six, though they are encouraged, following exchange of statements, to raise and respond to queries.

The Department has issued guidance for NHS bodies on the acceptance, management and transfer of charitable funds. NHS funds held on trust outlines the general principles that determine the responsibilities of NHS charity trustees. It includes advice on their duties in accepting and managing funds, as well as accounting and reporting.

An updated financial reporting briefing from the HFMA updates on developments that will have an impact in 2017/18 and beyond. It covers amendments to cashflow statements requiring additional disclosures relating to changes in liabilities arising from financing activities and implementation of IFRS15 – Revenue from contracts with customers.