Technical review - November 2018

31 October 2018

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Patient-level cost collection file specification guidance for mental health services has been published by NHS Improvement. The guidance sets out the required data fields and format required by NHS Digital for the PLICS submission. A file on the data checks in the NHS Improvement data validation tool was also published.

While every health and care system is different, there are some common essential ingredients needed to develop good system-wide finance and governance arrangements, according to an HFMA briefing. How do you align resource plans across the system? is the first in a series of four briefings focusing on system finance and governance issues and how to achieve strong strategic system planning. As sustainability and transformation partnerships are not statutory bodies, finance leaders told the HFMA that good relationships and a willingness to work together across a system were essential.

The cost of backlog maintenance in the NHS in England increased to almost £6bn in 2017/18, according to NHS Digital. In 2016/17, it was £5.5bn. Publishing estates return information collection (ERIC) data for the year, NHS Digital said the total cost of running the NHS estate was £8.8bn in 2017/18 – £0.2bn higher than the previous financial year. However, the total cost of cleaning and inpatient food remained the same at £1bn and £0.6bn, respectively. Meanwhile, backlog maintenance in Scottish NHS buildings has fallen by around a quarter since 2011, according to health secretary Jeane Freeman. Publishing the results of the latest annual survey of NHS Scotland assets and facilities, she said the proportion of building classified as being in good condition had increased from 58% in 2014 to 72% in 2017.

HM Revenue and Customs has produced an information pack to help stakeholders make the transition to digital VAT returns and VAT business record-keeping. Under the Making Tax Digital (MTD) programme, most businesses with a taxable turnover above the VAT threshold will be required to keep digital VAT business records and submit VAT returns via MTD-compatible software. HMRC has also announced that there will be a six-month delay in the requirement for NHS trusts to make VAT returns via the new MTD online system.

NHS Improvement has amended its medical agency price caps to be in line with the recently approved pay rise for medical staff. NHS Improvement asked providers to ensure the amended caps are reflected in reporting from 8 October.

New tools published by NHS Improvement will help English trusts, sustainability and transformation partnerships and integrated care systems forecast their finances, activity and workforce. The new long-term financial model will support organisations undertaking material transactions that require NHS Improvement assessment, including foundation trust applications, mergers and acquisitions and new care models. NHS Improvement said the new long-term financial model replaces the model in use since 2004.