Comment / Showing the way

03 May 2017 Mark Knight

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The HFMA board met at the end of last month. For this meeting it was the turn of the president’s own facility at Poole to host us. We had a short tour round the hospital and reflected on the challenges faced by a trust of that size and local context. NHS staff are brilliant, dedicated people and that shone through at Poole.

The agenda was dominated by the current pressures HFMA is facing as we continue providing our usual services while looking to bed in new ones. We’re very pleased that our first group of students will commence studying for the HFMA qualification programme in May. The books are now open for September applications and we have a few in already. 

Showing the way

There are significant opportunities arising from the qualification, not least that the current e-learning could provide the basis for new NVQ level 3 and 4 programmes. The significance of that is organisations may be able to access the apprenticeship levy to support them. This development is at a very early stage so look out for more in the coming months and years.

There was quite a lot of discussion at the board about the continuing high level of support for all of our programmes from the service – including the time given up by individuals. However, there were concerns about how long the NHS could invest in what we do. I’m grateful for all your support in whatever way you give it because I know there are many tough decisions being made at this time. We have seen a small contraction in what we do, which, together with our investments in the qualification, have led to a tightening financial picture in the run-up to our own financial year-end in June.

The board agreed a new strategy around personal awards. This starts with the key contributor awards, which are awarded to individuals who are core to the operation of a branch or committee. Now we will award ‘bronze’ for a first key contributor. Five years later, we can award a silver and finally a gold. Following that, we can award an honorary fellowship, helping us to create a clear ladder recognising the hard work and effort of all those involved. Other awards will be announced later in the year.

The board also approved the association’s next step in tendering for our new app and we discussed our media and communications policy. Over the last three years, we have sought to provide comment in a wide range of journals and on the radio and television. And here, I must pay tribute to my colleague and policy director Paul Briddock, who has worked tirelessly to put across our message. After discussing with members, we have now agreed to refocus our communications approach much more on telling you about our developments first before broadcasting to the wider world.

And finally, we talked extensively about our new strategy that we want to share with you in full next month. Just like the NHS, the HFMA is working with tightening budgets and cash constraints, and inspired by you we aim to continue to develop our services so that you, our members, are front and centre of our thinking. In the next edition of Healthcare Finance I will be sharing more about our plans for the next three years. Please be a big part of them – we need every one of you.