News / Shared services boost

28 June 2010

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While the Budget kept the focus firmly on public sector efficiency, NHS Shared Business Services (SBS) delivered a timely boost to the organisations that subscribe to its services by delivering its first dividend cheque to the Department of Health.

According to SBS, a joint venture between the Department and outsourcing provider Steria, £1.06m would be distributed among its NHS customers. SBS currently has 125 NHS clients, providing back office services such as payroll and accounting.

SBS managing director John Neilson said: ‘This is the first in a series of payments earmarked for distribution among NHS SBS clients over the next few years and demonstrates the real value of being part of NHS SBS. The shared services delivery model offers modernisation, high flexibility and cost savings.’

Health minister Earl Howe (pictured) said the joint venture’s model was delivering real savings for NHS organisations. ‘It has demonstrated that public private partnerships can not only be successful in achieving savings and improving quality, but can also be commercially successful to the wider benefit of the NHS,’ he added.