News / Q3 at a glance

02 April 2012

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  • Foundation trusts recorded a £326m surplus, while the non-foundation sector (PCTS, SHAs and NHS trusts) forecast a £1.5bn surplus.
  • Four PCTs and eight NHS trusts forecast a gross deficit of £82m and £190m respectively.
  • PCTs report QIPP savings of £3.9bn, with a total of £5.8bn forecast over the whole year.
  • At 3.4, the average foundation trust financial risk rating is above plan (3.2) and the EBITDA margin is slightly ahead of plan (6.1% compared with 6.0%). EBITDA margins have slipped from 7.5% to 6.1% in the past four years.
  • The total number of FTs in significant breach rose from 13 to 15, with 11 having financial issues as one of the primary reasons for their breach.