News / PAC voices better care fund fears

27 February 2015

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Image removed.The Commons Public Accounts Committee said in a critical report on the BCF that initial planning was flawed, with confusion over the Department of Health assumption that the fund would save the NHS £1bn. Initial plans identified savings of just £55m. Following Simon Stevens’ arrival as NHS England chief executive in April 2014, the scheme was redesigned with £1bn of NHS funding protected.

PAC chair Margaret Hodge (right) said: ‘The priority has shifted from improving local services through integration to protecting NHS resources. It appears NHS spending was judged a higher priority than supporting adult social care.’

The latest plans suggest local areas expect to save £532m in 2015/16. ‘We are not convinced it is possible to reduce emergency admissions and to deliver £532m of savings in 2015/16, as the scale of the challenge in reversing the long-term upward trends in emergency admissions and delayed discharges is significant,’ she added.