FMTS blog / Orientation has been one of the most valuable learning experiences

24 October 2017 Mat Morgan
Upon entering my third and final year on the scheme, I am able to reflect on the time I have spent within provider trusts to date (9 months at Shropshire Community NHS Trust, followed by 12 months at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust). Since June 2017, I have been placed with a commissioner, Telford and Wrekin CCG. I have heard a lot about the differences between CCG’s and providers from colleagues, although the atmosphere is more different than I would have imagined. Moving from a trust where one of the main issues was around the rationing of capital investment, to an organization which barely holds any assets at all, with a very different working atmosphere.

On the whole, it all seems one step further away from the patient. The team here is friendly and I am particularly pleased by how they have set up their own ‘Energize’ team to get staff more active, embarking on the NHS Couch to 5K app. I recently took part in a CCG 65 mile charity cycle, which was brilliant as well as the Telford 5K Parkrun with my colleagues.

My first placement at Shropshire Community, was a great way to be introduced to the NHS within a small provider organisation, working closely with an assistant management accountant to oversee budgets on various cost centres, whilst getting to grips with Oracle and entry of prepayments, accruals, budget virements and so forth.

At my second placement, I carried on a similar role, but with much more autonomy. At Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital also spent time in costing, financial accounts and doing some orientation such as a day with porters, a nurse matron, a clinical site manager and a radiology manager.

Orientation has been one of the most valuable learning experiences on the scheme to date, helping to understand the operational issues faced by the staff, it also acts as a great networking opportunity.

Whilst studying for my final two CIPFA papers ahead of the December exams, I am looking to make the most of my time at the CCG before I transition to The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic NHS Foundation Trust where I will embark on my final placement.

On a personal note, I have also gained a place in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2018, so I’m hoping for no exam resits in 2018 and lots of training in preparation for Sunday 22 April!

Applications for the NHS Finance Management Training Scheme are now open. Submit your application form until 9 January 2018.