News / NHS efficiency map updated

06 December 2016 Seamus Ward

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NHS Improvement and the HFMA have updated the NHS efficiency map, which provides finance managers and other healthcare professionals with signposts to efficiency guidance, tools and examples of best practice.

The map promotes best practice in the identification, delivery and monitoring of NHS cost improvement programmes (CIPs). The HFMA said the map would highlight existing resources on eliminating waste and increasing efficiency while at the same time improving quality and safety. There are three sections: 

  • Enablers for efficiency Focuses on good management at all levels of an organisation, including board governance and capability and CIP management
  • Provider efficiency Looks at areas such as optimising the use of workforce, procurement and non-pay and clinical support services 
  • System efficiency Examines collaboration with local or regional partners on services such as urgent and emergency care to improve quality and safety and achieve cost savings.

Each section looks at a number of potential improvement areas and provides links to improvement tools, case studies and further reading.

The map will be regularly updated and accompanied by new best practice case studies – the first focuses on enhanced nursing care.

To download the Efficiency map, click here