Comment / New year’s resolve

02 February 2015 Mark Knight

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Image removed.It seems almost a lifetime since the last issue of Healthcare Finance and the NHS has rarely been out of the news over the Christmas period.  Accident and emergency waits seem to have featured almost nightly on our news bulletins and we know many hospitals are completely full.  The system is under unprecedented pressure and there is no doubt the NHS will be a key battleground for the forthcoming election.

The HFMA is also at full stretch. We’ve provided some significant events in January and I’ve been really pleased with all of the work volunteers and staff have done to deliver them.  Similarly, on the policy side, policy and technical director Paul Briddock and his team have worked hard to comment on the current situation. I am delighted the association can be counted on to provide timely, accurate comment and we want to do more.

Our ‘NHS financial temperature check’ survey will continue this year. I urge all finance departments to take part so we can get a real feel for the mood of the service.  I detect a determination on the part of colleagues up and down the UK to stick in there and I applaud all the hard work to keep NHS finances on track.

The HFMA board met in January to review our current position. We are broadly on track financially to meet our targets. Our conference facility in Rochester Row is doing very well and I’m encouraged by the strong team we have there and the positive comments from members. If you’re ever in London during office hours, the coffee’s always on!

The take-up on events and faculties is also good and I am very grateful for all the support organisations give us when subscribing to our e-learning packages. Our Healthcare Costing for Value Institute will go live soon and we are recruiting organisations and partners to that.  The NHS needs to up its game on costing and we fully support Monitor’s new roadmap.

We have a number of interesting new volunteering opportunities coming up and these will be advertised in due course. I am grateful for all the help and support we get from volunteers, but am equally conscious there are always people there ready to help.

A major theme this year is how we bring branches further into the work of the wider association. I’ve been on a nationwide tour talking to chairs to understand branch requirements. In addition, Sue Lorimer has made a great start to her presidential year under the banner of ‘Stronger together’ – a theme that fits comfortably with what the HFMA stands for. 

We had another hugely successful annual conference in December – see page 8 for a reminder of the high points – and planning for this year’s event is already under way. Look out for our initial annual conference 2015 rates this month.  Booking early has become a must for those wanting to secure the very best rates and places at the annual awards ceremony and conference dinner. Please keep in touch via [email protected]