Alumni story / Module insight: Personal effectiveness and leadership

14 August 2017

Designing and running a module entitled Personal effectiveness and leadership has proved challenging and stimulating. What to include and what to ignore? How to make the content particularly pertinent in the volatile healthcare system? How to help busy people with their learning? As part of the aim of the module states:

"Leaders and aspiring leaders in today’s NHS face immense challenges that require particular personal and professional characteristics. As part of the management structure, faced by multiple and competing demands and priorities and as pressure on public finances increases, innovative approaches, drive and the ability to make things happen are paramount."

I come to the module having worked in leadership development for over 25 years - initially in the private sector, then the NHS and more recently with a university and consultancy companies. I care passionately about people developing and being reflective about their performance.

The content of Personal effectiveness and leadership covers different leadership approaches and their applicability in particular contexts. The language of leadership (through competence and behavioural frameworks) is also a separate topic.

Content then shifts to personal skills essential for a successful leader: motivating your team, handling conflict, the role of communication and particularly presenting, taking your team to higher-levels of performance, influencing, self-management and prioritization. The module concludes by looking at essential but difficult to pin down areas such as confidence and commitment.

Reception for the pilot was excellent. The live sessions particularly generated strong discussion and debate. The module involved recorded presentations for each topic which helped the learners latch on to my style and what was expected of Level 7 learning. I now look forward to fine-tuning aspects of the module and continuing to learn and develop with a new cohort to come.

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