Feature / Making a difference

02 July 2012

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An update on the HFMA’s free programme of support, which includes opportunities for mentoring, training and development

The HFMA’s ‘Making a difference’ programme of finance staff support, training and development has got off to a flying start with a series of events taking place up and down the country and in cyberspace.

By the end of June five events and three webinars had been held under the umbrella of the programme, a joint initiative between the HFMA, the Department of Health and NHS Finance Skills Development.

It is a response to the task facing the NHS – delivering £20bn in efficiency savings by 2014/15 to meet the demands of an ageing population and advancing technology. Finance staff will play a key role in this by helping transforming and redesigning services and providing finance and governance oversight during a period of structural change.

The free programme aims to provide an integrated package of support for finance staff, equipping them with new skills and preparing them for change. The HFMA also plans a range of resources to enable finance professionals to share innovative ideas and learn how to get more with less – workshops, development programmes, coaching and mentoring opportunities, case studies and webinars. These will be aimed at a range of finance professionals, from divisional accountants to new finance directors.

To date, about 140 finance managers have attended events, including two popular ‘Making a difference’ seminars aimed at finance staff in bands 4-7. As well as hearing about the latest developments in NHS reforms and how this is likely to affect them and their teams, finance staff learned techniques to motivate colleagues and teams. A further three seminars have been arranged later this year (see box for details).

Two events gave an introduction to mentoring and coaching in June and early July. These two-day events covered the principles of coaching and mentoring, providing an understanding of the skills involved and opportunities to practise the skills. Participants have been offered the opportunity to take part in at least two supervised coaching/mentoring sessions once they have completed the initial two-day programme.

Participants will be offered an optional second stage to further develop their skills in mentoring and gain a university-accredited certificate. This will be run over three days from September to November. A separate course for coachees and mentees was held in Bristol and Leeds in June.

The HFMA has also held four ‘Making a difference’ webinars that allow finance staff to receive training without leaving their desks. The sessions, featuring expert speakers, allow questions and cover issues such as dealing with and managing change, motivation and QIPP. The sessions are available on the HFMA website and more are being planned for later this year.

In October, three-day residential events have been organised (one in Leeds, one in Windsor) for senior finance professionals. These aim to help them champion change and lead sustainable improvement in their organisation. The programme will be open to one or two selected senior finance managers from each organisation, who will take a lead in facilitating and inspiring change and improvement.



5 September Leeds?  9 October Birmingham   8 November London

Residential courses

1-3 October Leeds   24-26 October Windsor

For details visit www.hfma.org.uk or email [email protected]