News / Leicester FD blogger reports from pathway redesign frontline

08 September 2009

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NHS Leicester City director of finance and delivery Sue Bishop (pictured above) has temporarily left her day job for eight months to review the local stroke care pathway and identify opportunities for improvement. She is sharing her experiences via a regular blog on the HFMA website.

You can follow Ms Bishop – who started the blog this summer and is well into her pathway redesign project – monitor her progress and add your comments online.

In her first instalment, Ms Bishop starts by cataloguing her exhausting first week helping out at Leicester General Hospital’s stroke unit and working a night shift for the first time in her NHS career. Reflecting on her time on the ward, she notes the importance of communication to service delivery and the benefits of taking time to ensure information passed between colleagues is accurate and clear.

In subsequent instalments, the euphoria of working at the coalface abates as she is brought back to earth with the realisation that so much needed to be done to complete the project. She also blogs on the dangers of assuming everything is as it seems and the unsettling effects of a colleague’s question.

You can follow the blog here