News / HFMA issues GP finance guide

04 October 2010

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The HFMA has produced a guide to NHS financial flows and accountability for GPs in England to help them prepare for their proposed new role under the government’s commissioning reforms.

The briefing, Finance and accountability for GP consortia, has been sent to 11,000 GP practices in England, as well as all primary care trust directors of finance and practice-based commissioning leads. Sponsored by Chiesi, it is available on the HFMA website.

Topics covered include how money gets to the frontline under the current and reformed systems, the future role of local authorities, the management cost allowance, payment by results and the role of the consortia’s chief officers in maintaining probity, accountability and efficient use of resources.

In the foreword to the briefing, HFMA Primary Care Finance Group chair Cathy Kennedy said that, because they will be statutory bodies, consortia will face significant governance and accountability duties. ‘For many there will be a major learning curve in meeting these responsibilities. They will require a much greater understanding not only of how NHS services are financed and how that expenditure is accounted for, but also of the financial governance, systems and processes they will need to establish within their consortia arrangements,’ she said.

All staff were responsible for good financial management, she added, and this would become increasingly important as the service faced greater financial constraint over the next few years.

GP Briefing - Download