HFMA Academy: bitesize learning

03 September 2019 Alison Myles

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Around 500 learners have now achieved a qualification from the HFMA Academy, helping to improve these individuals’ knowledge and career prospects. Some of them are even continuing their studies by moving on to the MBA programme with our partner university BPP.

Studying while working in a highly pressured environment requires real commitment, and the academic route is not for everyone. Recognising this, the HFMA Academy is developing new bitesize continuing professional development (CPD) courses.

The new CPD courses will be based on the same subjects that make up the qualifications and draw on much of the same content. Available from the end of 2019, each diploma module will be broken down into at least 10 different courses.

All three of the intermediate (level 4) modules are being given the bitesize treatment – How finance works in the NHS; Governance and risk management; and Management skills. The advanced (level 7) module Tools to support decision making will also be made available as CPD programmes.

For example, the level 4 How finance works in the NHS module will include separate bitesize courses covering healthcare financing, commissioning, providing services, revenue and capital, and integration – to name just a few.

These new bitesize courses will not feature the live elements that characterise the studying approach used for the intermediate and advanced diplomas. So there will be no tutor-led sessions or discussions.

However, students will benefit from much greater flexibility and will be able to start a course whenever they want, rather than wait for the next cohort start date.

They will be encouraged to complete the course in a set time period, although access to the material will last for longer than this.

There is no formal application/acceptance and paying on a course-by-course basis may be more suitable for individuals and organisations in some cases.

The courses themselves will not lead to level 4 or level 7 qualifications and do not include support for the development of academic skills. However, following completion of all the courses that make up a module, certificate or award, a student would be free to pay an additional fee and complete the qualification module assessment, giving them a chance to gain the relevant certificate, award or diploma.

As well as appealing to individuals from all disciplines within the NHS and social care, the courses should also be of interest to department managers. Feedback suggests that there is a demand for affordable training that could be offered more broadly to staff to fill training needs identified in the appraisal process.

Each bitesize CPD course will take around six to 10 hours on average to complete and will include in-built opportunities for students to test their understanding of the subject.

The new bitesize courses sit neatly between the association’s existing e-learning offerings and higher level qualifications – both in terms of the detail provided and the commitment needed.

We think they will prove a popular way to enable more people to access the growing educational resources provided by the Academy.