HFMA 2020: students honoured

04 December 2020 Seamus Ward

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Kimberley.Edwards.4 lFormer HFMA president Tony Whitfield played a major role in the association’s education agenda. He was a strong advocate for continuing professional development, which he championed in his year as president under the theme of Knowing the business.

Ms Edwards, a locum consultant oncoplastic breast surgeon at York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, took the award after gaining the HFMA Advanced Diploma in Healthcare Business and Finance. The course consists of three modules, including the compulsory Making finance work in the NHS. She also studied Managing the healthcare business and Personal effectiveness and leadership. She achieved a merit in the latter module, despite changing her project at the last minute due to Covid-19.

Her nomination described her as a regular contributor in the online sessions with powerful insights. ‘She was clearly in a ridiculously busy and demanding role but remained positive and committed throughout with a passion for applying the learning,’ it added.

Ms Edwards thanked the HFMA team and tutor Bob Baker, who nominated her for the award.

‘In 2018 I was working as a senior surgical registrar and, as my clinical training progressed, I became increasingly aware that my understanding of how the NHS is run as a business was severely lacking. So, I decided to address this, and it was then that I first became aware of the HFMA,’ she said.

‘Since then I have gained my advanced diploma and, due to this, I have gained a much deeper understanding of the strategic context in which I work, developed new leadership skills and through the exposure to the collaborative learning environment I’ve had the fantastic opportunity to virtually meet and debate with other learners from a myriad of different disciplines in the NHS, which has really broadened my personal perspective.

‘As a result, I feel much more equipped to play a role in helping to address the financial and operational challenges faced by the NHS as I enter a new chapter in my own life by embarking on my consultant career, but also as we as a country adapt to life following Covid-19.

‘I’m particularly honoured to have been awarded the Tony Whitfield Award because I know in his lifetime he continually advocated the need to know your business and encourage clinicians and finance to work more closely together, which is a value that I also hold really close to my own heart.’

In all, 55 diplomas, certificates and awards were made, including 30 advanced diplomas – 16 at the higher level, allowing the graduates to move on to the final year of an MBA in healthcare finance. Certificates will be posted to graduates shortly.

For more on the HFMA qualifications, click here