Comment / HFMA 2014: Front line call to finance staff

04 December 2014

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Image removed.Opening the main conference on Thursday, Ms Cummings said that understanding services from the perspective of patients, their family and friends and frontline staff was vital for ensuring the NHS delivered the best possible care.

She said that it was also important that the workforce was trained to the right standard. 'We need to make sure our staff are trained and educated to the right level and the work force is prepared for the work they do, she said.

'It is about actually targeting what education, support and networking people need. Yes it costs, but the impact on outcomes by spending time discussing issues coming up with solutions and planning what to do is significant and shouldn't be underestimated.'

Ms Cummings encouraged finance managers to spend time with frontline services. 'Go out and spend time with your staff. And those of you that [already] do, talk about the positives that this can bring and how it makes a difference to the way you perceive what is happening on the front line.'

This should not be restricted to staff working in provider organisations with commissioning staff spending time in provider organisations to 'see the impact of the work that you are commissioning'.