News / Flying the HFMA flag

04 July 2011

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HFMA president Suzanne Tracey flew the HFMA UK flag at this year’s HFMA US Annual National Institute in Orlando, Florida.The US equivalent of the UK association’s annual conference is on a different scale. It gathers 4,700 attendees in a vast conference hall and features an exhibition involving about 400 service and product suppliers.

Despite the difference in scale, the subjects addressed by the two associations’ annual events are surprisingly similar. These range from the detail – the US is following England in adopting the ICD-10 diagnosis coding system – to the broad themes, with improving value, quality, managing care across pathways and clinical engagement the stand-out issues. Ms Tracey, accompanied by HFMA chief executive Mark Knight, briefed US finance professionals on developments in the NHS and the challenges facing UK finance professionals.