News / FD programme offers commercial insight

01 November 2007

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The NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement and foundation trust regulator Monitor have put together a two-week course that aims to keep finance directors from health service organisations up to date with developments in finance and management. The courses include subjects such as corporate governance, strategic planning, risk management and treasury management.

Monitor chief operating officer Stephen Hay said the course would help finance directors acclimatise to the reformed NHS. ‘Monitor’s experience highlighted the challenges facing finance directors,’ he said. ‘Providers and commissioners of healthcare need the skills to adapt to an increasingly competitive market, a rapidly changing environment and rising public expectations. We initiated this programme to support financial leaders and equip them for the future challenges of the health service.’

Two pilot courses have been completed. Participant Lorraine Bewes, director of finance and information at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, said the programme focused on professional and personal development. ‘It covers some of the commercial issues, such as a refresh on mergers and acquisitions, and there’s a look at the treasury function and how to ensure you optimise investments.’

Another participant, Jane Tomkinson, deputy chief executive and director of finance and performance at Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, said the course gave finance directors a different mindset. ‘Exposure to how the private sector deals with similar issues gave everyone a basic level of confidence and broadened their experience in managing complex financial and organisational problems,’ she said.

Course information, including details of how to apply, is available from the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement.